Thursday, January 6, 2011

The Voice

Is that how I sound?  It wasn't until mid grade school standing alone on the smooth gymnasium stage listening to the sound of my childs' voice the age of reason completed its turn.  Until then I was unaware that MY voice would be the one thing that I could completely own. There was something empowering in the noises my mouth made at that moment as they bounced around the empty hall only to fall on my ears unfamilar.  Unaware at the time I would fall deeply in love with my voice, this self love made me capable of loving unconditionally today.  Thank you voice.  "You can't love another without loving yourself."(cool line from the opening number)  If only I were a tenor.  How will The DUKE of MILAN sound?  That answer is my focus during these early weeks of preparation. The words, the music, the thoughts and feelings born from the pages of the script and score are my welcome bedfellows and bedfellowettes. I savor the days I get to share with this perfect Cast and a true friend Scott Miller.  Please join me to discover how  "TWO GENTLEMEN VERONA" will change us.

Stepping lightly on the earth,


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