Sunday, January 9, 2011

Much ado about nothing

     I’ll bet they had a hoot of a time writing this musical. The Duke has a line that contains the phrase “his delights were dolphin like they showed his back above the elements he liv’d in“. Seeking the clearest understanding of the phrase before I try to perform with it I looked it up……… Guess what? That whole speech was lifted from Cleopatra just before she was bit in the tit by the asp. … Yeah the big final act of  Shakespeare’s Antony and Cleopatra Act V Scene II. (I wonder….. should i deliver the line as CLEO for effect falsetto female? would anyone even get it?)
I have another line which includes "Orpheus’ Lute..." Seeking the clearest understanding of the phrase before I try to perform with it I looked it up……… Guess what? That line was lifted from Proteus
to Thurio from Shakepeasre’s Two Gentlemen of Verona Act III Scene II. I wonder how many of the bard’s comedies and tragedies are included within the lines of my fellow actors scripts?

Many will hear few will notice.
Anything went when tossing this musical together;  bicycles, frisbees, telephones, bubbles, balloons, crazy sixties laugh-in dancing, mini skirts, tall red boots, hot sexy people, anti war themes, the me, and peace and love man.

How any of this matters to “The Duke” I dunno

Special Thanks to Jerry for stopping by with his dedicated copy of THE HARVARD CONCORDANCE TO SHAKESPEARE as well as his much traveled copy of The Riverside Shakespeare

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